Luckily I have had camera in hand on all my dog walks lately, AND I learned some new settings on my camera that improved my night time pictures. This first one is from my neighborhood, on a street called Marwinette. The whole street is big on Christmas lights, but this one took the cake since it also had music blaring.

The rest are from Candy Cane Lane, aka the 6500 block of Murdoch. This street takes Christmas seriously. I wonder if this is a "seller disclosure" if someone sells their house in July.

One block over from Candy Cane Lane:

All this time I was looking for the garish, tacky, overdone, blinding displays (which don't get me wrong, I love more than anything else about December,) and yet this is the one that stopped me in my tracks. This simple snowman is the one that truly captures the spirit of the eight pound, six ounce, newborn Baby Jesus (don’t even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent.)

wait wait...is that a gun? and a camouflage vest? one of these years i'll get around to taking pics of bubba smith's place. it's cuh-razy.