
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home

A couple weekends ago, we drove out to Mansfield, MO to see Laura & Almanzo Wilder's Rocky Ridge Farm, where the Little House on the Prairie books were written. First, let me just say that I am a huge fan of the Little House on the Prairie books. I think they were some of the first chapter books I ever read, and they have inspired me my whole life. All my interest in any kind of crafting, sewing, period costume, gardening, preserving, cooking, baking, travel, EVERYTHING can be traced back to the Little House books. I don't even DO all of those things, but I still tell myself that some day I will make a hat out of straw like Ma did, because Laura's descriptions of everything they did are so detailed that I know I could do it if I just had straw and time. I even own The Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories and have never made a single recipe, but it's there for when I get around to it. If you are like me, you NEED to visit.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Follow Us on Other Social Networks!

Hello, I hope this picture of my handsome husband with professional wrestler Mick Foley got your attention. Consider this my gift to you in return for interrupting this regularly scheduled blog with a bit of business.

Since I only update 3-4 times per month, many of you follow me on Facebook so that you know when there is a new entry. As you may have heard, Facebook has recently made some changes that make it very, very difficult for "small businesses" to stay in touch with their fans.

Let's be honest, this is a hobby, not a business. I make enough money from advertising to pay for hosting and that is it. Of course, every little blogger like me dreams of being the next Dooce, and that is why this situation is so frustrating. I have worked my butt off for YEARS to get to just 450 fans on Facebook. Do you know how many people saw the last link I posted to Facebook? 61. The one before that? 82. Not even 20% at this point.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Lincoln's Tomb


BONUS POST! Lincoln (the movie) comes out today, and coincidentally, we stopped in Springfield, IL to check out the Lincoln Tomb in October. We also, coincidentally, happened to pick up a top hat and Lincoln beard for Phoenix. I have driven through Springfield a dozen times in the past six months and I see all the signs for Lincoln Historic Sites, but for some reason it just never connected in my head that Abraham Lincoln is buried so close to St Louis. And WOW, what a tomb it is.

Monday, November 12, 2012

T's Redneck Steakhouse

Look at this map, you guys. NAKED. No Wheel Inn Drive-In Guberburger? No steak in a cave?> No beer bread at a prison themed microbrewery? Not even "throwed rolls" at Lamberts, and there are TWO of them in Missouri.Obviously, something had to be done, and since part of this blog title is "craves", we realized we had to stop eating at Cracker Barrel so much while road tripping. Just because it doesn't have a weird menu item or a funky theme doesn't mean there aren't good restaurants out there in the middle of Missouri. Just say no to chains!
